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AAA Minors Baseball (9-10 YO)


  1. All players must play a minimum of 3 innings.  “Equal” play is strongly encouraged.  Games are 6 innings long.
  2. Nine (9) players are allowed on the field (use only 3 outfielders).  8 players are required for an official game to start. The team must have 8 players for an official game to finish.
  3. The entire team roster bats.  All players are to bat in a consecutive lineup, regardless of how many players show up for either team.  If a player shows up after the start of the game, they must be added to the bottom of the batting line-up.
  4. An inning is over when 3 outs occur, or (5) runs are scored, whichever comes first.
  5. The last inning of the game will be played as “open baseball” during which the five-run limit rule does not apply. See local rule 7 below regarding regular season game time limits.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, an umpire may call or suspend any game at any time for safety concerns (darkness, weather, etc.).
  6. Two adult base coaches are allowed.  A player with a helmet may coach a base.
  7. Games may be limited by time (a regulation game is at least 4 innings).  For regular season games, we will not start a new inning beyond one hour and forty-five minutes (1:45) after first pitch, even if the game ends in a tie score.  An inning in progress at the 1:45 mark will be played to completion.  This rule does not apply to playoff games.
  8. Home team gets the first base dugout.
  9. With two outs, if the catcher and/or the pitcher for the team batting is on base, the hitting team has the option of removing and replacing them with the player(s) who made the last out(s).  (This is a big time saver.)
  10. Teams may successfully steal home from third only once per inning (includes wild pitches, passed balls, delayed steals of home, errant throw back to the pitcher, taunting the defensive team to make a play at third base in between pitches, etc.).  Example:  Team already has steal of home in an inning, and pick-off attempt is made on the runner on third who is leading/taunting after the pitch; if they are tagged out, the out counts; if there is an overthrow, they can NOT advance home.  For the avoidance of doubt, this rule does not apply, and it doesn’t count as a steal of home, with respect to runners advancing to home from first or second base.  Example: runner on second attempts to steal third, ball is overthrown and runner comes home.  This does not count as a steal of home.   Exception to rule:  When there is a defensive play on another runner.  Example:  Runners on first and third, runner on first attempts to steal second.  Runner on third can attempt to steal home if a throw is made on the runner attempting to advance from first to second.
  11. There are no infield fly rules.
  12. Coaches may not warm up pitchers, and cannot remove equipment off of the field. 
  13. No Manager/Coach may question the umpire’s call of balls and strikes at any time. Umpires will give a team only one warning per game. Thereafter, each occurrence will result in a called strike on the batter at the plate.
  14. Parents are not allowed in the dugouts under any circumstances. Only the manager and two main coaches are allowed in the dugout.


  1. Due to time limits and darkness, it is the umpire’s decision what inning will constitute the “last” inning of the game.  An umpire can call a game at any time for safety concerns (darkness, weather, etc.)
  2. Two adult (MLL approved volunteers) base coaches are allowed.  A player wearing a helmet may coach a base.  One MLL approved volunteer must be present in the dugout at all times.  If there are only two coaches, for example, one stays in the dugout and a player can coach one of the bases.
  3. Maximum eight warm-up pitches between innings or for new pitcher.
  4. If there is a play at a base, the runner must slide.   No headfirst slides allowed except when returning to a base.
  5. ONLY the batter in the batter’s box is allowed to hold a bat.  Umpires will give a team only one warning per game.  Thereafter, each occurrence will result in a called strike on the batter at the plate. (There is no on-deck batter in Little League.)
  6. Individuals who have not been officially approved volunteers by MLL are not allowed in the dugouts or on the field prior to or during practices or games under any circumstances. Maximum of (3) coaches per dugout.

PITCHING: Please refer to full pitching document on under documents section.


(a) Any player on a regular season team may pitch. A player that has caught four (4) innings in a game may not pitch. (NOTE: There is no limit to the number of pitchers a team may use in a game.)

(b) A pitcher once removed from the mound cannot return as a pitcher.

(c) The manager must remove the pitcher when said pitcher reaches the limit for his/her age group as noted below. The pitcher may remain in the game at another position, except he may not catch in that game if he has thrown 41 or more pitches:

League Age 11-12: 85 pitches per day

League Age 9-10:  75 pitches per day

League Age 7-8:   50 pitches per day

Exception: If a pitcher reaches the limit imposed in Regulation VI (c) for his/her league age while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until any one of the following conditions occurs:

  1. That batter reaches base;
  2. That batter is put out;
  3. The third out is made to complete the half-inning.

Note: A pitcher who delivers 41 or more pitches in a game cannot play the position of catcher for the remainder of that day.

(d) Pitchers league age 14 and under must adhere to the following rest requirements:

  • If a player pitches 66 or more pitches in a day, four (4) calendar days of rest must be observed.
  • If a player pitches 51 - 65 pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be observed.
  • If a player pitches 36 - 50 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be observed.
  • If a player pitches 21 - 35 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar days of rest must be observed.
  • If a player pitches 1-20 pitches in a day, no (0) calendar day of rest is required.


EXCEPTION: If a pitcher reaches a day(s) of rest threshold in Regulation VI (d) while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until any one of the following conditions occurs: 1. That batter reaches base; 2. That batter is retired; 3. The third out is made to complete the half-inning or the game. The pitcher will only be required to observe the calendar day(s) of rest for the threshold he reached during that at-bat, provided that pitcher is removed before delivering a pitch to another batter.

(e) Each league must designate the scorekeeper or another game official as the official pitch count recorder.

(f) The pitch count recorder must provide the current pitch count for any pitcher when requested by either manager or any umpire. However, the manager is responsible for knowing when his/her pitcher must be removed.

(g) The official pitch count recorder should inform the umpire-in-chief when a pitcher has delivered his/her maximum limit of pitches for the game, as noted in Regulation VI (c).

The umpire-in-chief will inform the pitcher’s manager that the pitcher must be removed in accordance with Regulation VI (c). However, the failure by the pitch count recorder to notify the umpire-in-chief, and/or the failure of the umpire-in-chief to notify the manager, does not relieve the manager of his/her responsibility to remove a pitcher when that pitcher is no longer eligible.

(h) Violation of any section of this regulation can result in protest of the game in which it occurs. Protest shall be made in accordance with Playing Rule 4.19.

(j) A player who has attained the league age of twelve (12) is not eligible to pitch in the Minor League. (See Regulation V – Selection of Players)

 (k) A player may not pitch in more than one game in a day.



1. The withdrawal of an ineligible pitcher after that pitcher is announced, or after a warm-up pitch is delivered, but before that player has pitched a ball to a batter, shall not be considered a violation. Little League officials are urged to take precautions to prevent protests. When a protest situation is imminent, the potential offender should be notified immediately.

2. Pitches delivered in games declared “Regulation Tie Games” or “Suspended Games” shall be charged against pitcher’s eligibility.

3. In suspended games resumed on another day, the pitchers of record at the time the game was halted may continue to pitch to the extent of their eligibility for that day, provided said pitcher has observed the required days of rest. EXCEPTION: In the event that the first inning is not completed, all records including pitching records, batting records, etc. shall be disregarded.

Example 1: A league age 12 pitcher delivers 70 pitches in a game on Monday when the game is suspended. The game resumes on the following Thursday. The pitcher is not eligible to pitch in the resumption of the game because he/she has not observed the required days of rest.

Example 2: A league age 12 pitcher delivers 70 pitches in a game on Monday when the game is suspended. The game resumes on Saturday. The pitcher is eligible to pitch up to 85 more pitches in the resumption of the game because he/she has observed the required days of rest.

Example 3: A league age 12 pitcher delivers 70 pitches in a game on Monday when the game is suspended. The game resumes two weeks later. The pitcher is eligible to pitch up to 85 more pitches in the resumption of the game, provided he/she is eligible based on his/her pitching record during the previous four days.

Note: The use of this regulation negates the concept of the “calendar week” with regard to pitching eligibility. 

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