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AA Minors Baseball (7-8 YO)


The season will begin as coach pitch and migrate to kid pitch.  AA-Minors use a baseball which is softer than a standard hardball.  While it could still cause an injury if one is hit by the ball, the idea is to minimize the possibility of injury. Score will not be kept and there will not be a winning or losing team.  This is considered an instructional league. 

There are no tryouts at this level.  However, 8 year olds are in some seasons invited to be evaluated during the March evaluations for consideration to play up with the 9 year old Minors.  There are a limited number of slots for the 8 year olds. Placement is not guaranteed and is based upon player ability.  Evaluation dates will be posted on our calendar on the home page.

AA Minors teams will be rostered at the commissioner's discretion.

The players will be given a team jersey and hat.  Pants are not part of the uniform but the players are encouraged to wear baseball pants and socks. Cleats are highly recommended but not required. Baseball gloves should be made of leather and smaller than or equal to 10.5 inches in length.  Dad's old glove probably is not a good idea.  If buying a new glove, look for a soft glove or buy some glove softener.  Bats will be provided but if purchasing a bat, it probably should be no more than 17 oz. at this level.

AA Minors Rules/Guidelines

  1. Home team determined by coin flip at home plate (regardless of what schedule says).  One adult representative and one player representative from each team will be present for the toss.  Suggestion: Select a different “captain for the game” as an incentive for positive attitude.
  2. Defensive team will field four infielders, “pitcher”, catcher and four outfielders.  If short on players go with three or two outfielders.  Maximum of four outfielders and those outfielders must be four across at equal distance with no outfielder standing behind 2nd base.  Extra defensive player(s) will sit out, but not more than one inning per game. Every player will sit (no preferential treatment).  It is the coaches’ responsibility to keep the sitting player(s) engaged in the game. Managers should make every effort to rotate all players through each position with no preferential treatment to specific players.
  3. Those playing the position of catcher shall wear league-provided shin guards, chest protector and catcher’s helmet (which MUST have the dangling neck guard attached).  Protective cup required.  Use of the league-provided or other catcher’s mitt is urged.
  4. For the first two weeks of the season, a coach of the batting team will pitch to his/her players.  This is to be overhand with the coach as close to the pitching rubber as possible (by end of season should be at rubber).  Pitch from on one knee if able to throw with some degree of accuracy.  If not, stand.  In order to keep the game flowing the coach pitcher should keep a supply of balls by his/her side and the catcher is not to chase down or toss back pitched ball – if caught he/she is to roll behind him.  Ideally, another coach should be a safe distance behind the plate to throw balls back to coach pitcher as needed.
  5. The coaches of the batting team shall act as umpires.   There are to be no disputes over calls – any marginally close call goes to the offensive team.  If an out is registered, player who is out must return to dugout.  Each team will bat until three outs are recorded or the last batter bats, whichever comes first.  The last batter shall be entitled to advance only to the extent the hit would be expected to allow (i.e., no free rounding the bases like in TBall or Rookie).
    1. After the frist full two weeks of the season, and not before, we want to have kids pitch.  We want everyone to follow the same rules so do not ask any coach to do kid pitch until the league makes the change.  From the start of the season have a pitching station at each practice to teach proper pitching form.  Additionally, do not make up your own rules, follow the rules as we lay them out in the following:
    2. Pitching rules:  Pitchers will pitch to opposing teams but coaches of hitting team will be close by to take over for pitcher when needed.
      1. Make sure kids are ready to pitch.  If the player can’t get the ball over the plate in practice do not have the child pitch in a game until he/she is ready.  We want to keep the game moving so keep this mind.  However, any child that wants to pitch and you feel is ready please let them try.
      2. A kid pitcher rules:
        1. A player pitches to a batter until:
          1. The ball is put in play 
          2. The batter draws a walk, the batter is not awarded first base.
          3. The batter strikes out, an out is recorded but the batter stays in the batter's box.
          •  The coach takes over pitching and the batter gets 3 strikes to put the ball in play.  If the batter strikes out swinging, or put out on a play, the batter returns to the dugout and an out is recorded. If a kid pitcher strikes out a batter, the batter will hit off the coach as described.  Baserunners can advance, though batter will go back to the dugout once the play is over.  A batter cannot count as two outs during the same at-bat.
      3. Maximum of one inning per child pitcher per game.
  6. Base advancement will be determined in the judgment of the batting team’s coaches.   The following are offered as guidelines: If a ball is able to be fielded in the infield and no out is recorded, first base (only) will be awarded.  If a ball gets hit into the outfield in the air and is catchable, but no out is recorded, second base (only) will be awarded.  Existing base runners can advance no more than two bases, and are subject to being put out.  Play shall be “live” on fair balls not deemed those for which an out would ordinarily be made.  No advances on overthrows.  Coaches need to keep in mind the goal is to teach the game and good sportsmanship, not award as many bases as possible.
  7. First 20 minutes of each session will be dedicated to warm-up.  Each team will have ten minutes of infield practice.  First team ready goes first. 
  8. Games will be at least three innings.  However, no inning shall be started unless in estimation of coaches it can be completed within two hours of scheduled start time.
  9. A teams inning is over when 3 outs are recorded or 4 runs are scored.
  10. There is no bunting, stealing, leading, or head first sliding (tagging up is allowed).  Base runners may only advance by a fair ball (see above).  No overrunning bases other than first and home.
  11. To speed play the on-deck batter should be identified, but only the batter at the plate shall be allowed to have a bat. 
  12. The goal of this league is to provide a positive baseball experience to the players, to instruct, teach and enjoy the game. No formal scores or standings will be kept by coaches or parents. It is the coaches’ job to teach the players sportsmanship and the value of team play and effort. Poor sportsmanship will not be tolerated.
  13. It is the responsibility of the coaching staff and parents to take care of the field and equipment.
  14. The objective of this league is solely for the players to have a fun, positive playing experience. It is our job to facilitate this by creating a comfortable atmosphere in which the player can succeed. Positive coaching is a must.  Advice and positive coaching tips are available at and reference to this resource is urged

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