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Majors Softball (11-12 YO)


Welcome to Madison Little League’s Majors Softball Division!  The following information is intended to give players and parents an overview of this division.  Please feel free to e-mail the Majors Commissioner or Vice President-Softball if you have any questions.
As in all divisions of Madison Little League, the primary objectives are for our players to learn good sportsmanship and team spirit; to enjoy the experience, and to develop softball skills.

Softball Majors focuses on building upon the skill sets introduced in the Minors division while incorporating a more competitive level of play. Softball Majors continues to emphasize fundamentals such as hitting, throwing, fielding, base running, sliding, and pitching. The Majors coaches will help players to refine those skills, while introducing the teams to more strategic aspects of the game, including moving runners into scoring position, bunting, anticipating plays, double stealing, tagging up, throwing to the “cut-off position,” etc.  

MLL will only supply helmets on a need basis.  If you will be purchasing a helmet for your player, please select one with a facemask.  It’s always a good idea for a player to have their own helmet to ensure a good fit as well as for hygiene reasons.  We also recommend that you consider getting your player a fielding face mask, particularly if your player will play in the infield or pitch. 


Spring Evaluations

Time Slots will be communicated by League Commissioners in early February.


Players 11 or 12 years of age—as of December 31 of the year prior to the season—are eligible to play in the Majors division. Madison Little League strives to have each team comprised of a roster of 12 players.  Teams will be assembled through a draft process and all 12-year-old players will be placed on a team.  
10-year-old softball players with at least one year of Minors softball who demonstrate the skill to participate safely at the Majors level MAY be considered for placement in the Majors, provided that there is roster space available based on registration numbers.   Such selections are offered to players/parents at the sole discretion of MLL and all 10-year-old players MUST attend the evaluation session for their age group (e.g. Minors).   Teams are made up of 12 members, to maximize player participation while minimizing the risk of forfeiting a game.  Interested players should still attend evaluation sessions to ensure they are scored with players in their age group. 
Fields, League Composition and Travel  
The primary field for home games will be the Daniel Hand High School Softball field ("Polson Turf").  Other fields around town may be utilized as needed. The Madison Majors softball division includes teams from area towns (Clinton, East Haddam, Haddam, Guilford, Deep River, Haddam, Durham, Killingworth, and Middletown), thus some travel to those and possibly other local towns, will be required.  Each team typically plays two games per week with one game Monday – Thursday and a second game Friday night or Saturday. 
For more information:
If you have any questions or are interested in coaching your player, please contact the Majors Softball Commissioner.  Prospective coaches are required to submit a volunteer form and undergo a background check.  

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